Is Video Interviewing the Way Forward When Recruiting for Jobs in Coventry?

The recruitment world has experienced many changes over the last decade. There have been huge advances in technologies and a range of new techniques introduced to make the recruitment process more efficient.  

Video interviewing, particularly a strength-based approach, is one method that is being used more and more frequently. The popularity of video interviewing is hardly surprising given the frustrations that can be experienced through more traditional telephone or face-to-face methods. Non-attendance, the cost of travel and poor phone connections are issues most recruiters are all too familiar with.


Many multinational companies have begun using the strength-based video approach when conducting interviews. However, this method is suitable for all types of businesses, from SMEs to larger brands.


The approach allows recruiters to identify the candidate’s motivations and what they are passionate about — not simply what they are able to do. The quality of those selected is therefore increased, allowing for elimination of less suitable applicants earlier on in the recruitment process. Body language and subtle visual pointers that cannot be assessed during telephone interviews are also a valuable addition.


Video interviews allow for greater flexibility and a wider scope. They allow agencies to recruit from outside of the area, increasing the talent pool available. For example, a Midland recruitment company can conduct interviews for jobs in Coventry with interviewees all over the UK. And those looking for jobs in Coventry don't necessarily need be in the area to apply.


And the list of benefits goes on: more efficiency, reduced costs and better decision making when it comes down to candidate selection. What's more, feedback regarding the strength-based video interview approach tends to be good, which impacts positively on the reputation of the organisation doing the hiring.